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Diverse Learning Environments

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Daycare (ages 30 months-5 years)

This program is designed according to each child’s age and developmental level. Activities are planned and presented in a fun and playful way, while children are learning from it.  It helps us to teach your child to read with colorful interactive stories and aids that makes learning fun and easy. Assessments and developmental goals are provided to our families every 3 or 4 months to touch base with the parents on how your child is doing socially and their motor skills development.

Field trips are also done once a month depending on the current theme that we have. 

Preschool Class

“is a child-centered educational approach based on scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood. ... It is an approach that values the human spirit and the development of the whole child—physical, social, emotional, cognitive.”

My Opinion, it teaches independency, develops self esteem and motivation. Allow children to their opinion their self choice. A set environment with out speaking or showing to much children themselves understand their environment. Teacher guides them and is allows one on one time to teach them their academic side.

Has a lot more to Montessori, you can ask me anything or I can provide more information

​Emilio Reggio:
Learning through play. Allowing the child to learn through a lot of creativity and exploration. 
for example: Playing kitchen play, most children follow what they see mommy and daddy do. 

Simple and basic Songs and counting. A lot if fun and colorful as it catches their eyes. A lot of this philosophy is very creative as it’s more crafts and creative arts.

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Before and After School Programs
(Ages 5- 12 years old)

Even after school's out for the day, children need to be engaged in a comfortable, yet stimulating child care environment. Thats where motivated staff from Creative Explorers Daycare comes in.

Our program allows kindergarten and school age children to balance learning and fun through a variety experiences. From homework help to fun physical activities, our early education program is designed so that everyone goes home happy.


We provide physical activities include: Taek won do, yoga and hip hop classes. All instructors are certified to work with children.

We also provide daily healthy snacks after school.


Schools we service are the following:

Hyland Elementry

Bear Creek Elementry

Wooward hill Elementry

Gabriel Roy


Our amazing summer program gets full in the beginning of the year pls sign up early enough.

We take the children on daily field trips and are outdoors from 10am-2pm. Our big Field trips are to Play land, Zoo, Aquarium, Science world, Fly over Canada etc. we are fully engaged all day going to the parks, indoor pools, and at the gym.Every year we are signed up with the reading program with Surrey Library. To inquire more info pls contact us at

778-881-(kids) 5437.

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